After many long months since the timber trusses were placed as the first portion of the roofing structure, we finally completed the roof! A number of factors contributed to the delay it's completion, and we are thrilled to finally be on the backside of it. The weight/size of the wood and elevation on ladders, had this being one of the most daunting tasks we have taken on since the fire. The living room area has a vaulted ceiling, so in order to make the 20' span with a 12/12 pitch and 19' peak, we used 16-foot, 2x8's on 24" centers. (12/12 means for every 12" of run, it elevates 12" in the 10' run to the center ridge, the pitch rises 10' high.) This section was built with a future house addition in mind, so we had to build it with a reverse gable. The 12/12 pitch meets up to a perpendicular 6/12 pitch, appropriately known as a "bastard hip"...we were very fortunate to have Stephen Wusterhausen assist us with the complex cuts to create the valleys in the turn of the pitch. A local waterproofing contractor, Adrian Santos, kindly helped us cut and lay the metal roof material. During the process of hanging the metal, we also installed the windows and exterior doors.