It has been two years since the wildfire took our home and sense of normalcy. We have been living life in this temporary situation that brings with it insecurity and uncertainty, but also wonderful milestones of success along the way. It is truly a "pulling yourself up by the bootstraps" scenario. We see it as a tremendous character building exercise to take on these tasks of tree harvest and home construction, when basically these endeavors are foreign to us. However, we move forward each day in faith, continuing to muster the strength and keep our eye on the prize.
Admittedly, summer weather has had us a little stalled on the home construction. Rob has been working full time at the sawmill, and slinging boards in 100 degrees has
him plumb tuckered out when the weekends come and in desperate need to
rest his body. However, over this past anniversary Labor Day weekend,
we were able to make some forward progress. We harvested the last of
our biggest trees in order to mill what will be the wall and flooring
material. Thanks to the help of a couple of friends, we were also able
to put up the last of the big wood rafters for the roof. We are hoping
with the fall weather approaching more can be accomplished as we move